I know I tell you a million times a day how much I love you and how lucky I feel to be your partner. So when writing this letter to you I had to dig deeper to figure out just why it is that I love you so and why I feel blessed to be standing here becoming your wife.
First things first, you are funny. You keep me laughing and constantly lighten my mood. Your silly humor is indescribable and I love it.
You are strong. I’m not referring to the amount of weight you can lift, I’m talking about your character. When you were sick a couple of months ago and we were both really bummed about it you told me that we had choices. We could let it tear us up or we could move forward and not let it define us. You are amazing in that way.
You are loyal. Your dedication and ethics are the strongest I’ve ever known.
You are a wonderful friend. You are always willing to lend an ear, fix things, provide advice or just a smile when its needed most. I really think you are so awesome and I am glad we are friends.
I’ve never met a more sensitive, caring, warm, loveable human being. I felt the moment we met that this was it. You make me just so very happy when we are together.
I love you and I pledge my loyalty and faithfulness to you forever.
I love you for who you are as an individual and I promise to never lose sight of it.
I believe in you and promise to always be your biggest cheerleader.
I love you ‘cause you get me and urge me to bring the best of me to our relationship.
I love you because we are a team.
I love you for the time and attention and joy you bring to my life and because you always bring strength and imagination to our relationship.
I love you for being true with your word, our love and my needs.
I love you because you share your feelings whole heartedly with me.
Barry, I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you see through the window of my world into my innermost fears and feelings, secrets and dreams.
I promise to fight fair.
I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face changes in order to keep our relationship alive and exciting.
I promise to laugh and cry with you.
I promise to love you in good times and in bad, with all I have to give and all I feel inside the only way I know how.
I promise to be by your side through it all and for always.
I love you more than I truly ever thought possible. Thank you for asking me to marry you. I feel truly honored to be your wife.
those words are more true today than ever before. i love you barry. happy anniversary.
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