Tuesday, May 11, 2010

i'm not perfect

today i'm going to write about real life. today life is scary. i'm not sure what our next step will be but i'll take scared over unhappy any day. i think about just how much i love ethan and barry and how even in the most uncertain of times my life feels blessed.

i was the subject of a "fireside chat" today during our monthly staff meeting. i was asked what i consider to be perfect happiness. i of course said "ethan". then i was asked what is the virtue that i consider most overrated. i said "perfection". i don't understand those that strive for perfection. it would be exhausting. what i strive for is balance. i strive for living my best real life and being proud of who i am. here's the thing about real life. it's beautiful. it's raw. it's what you make it. it's really imperfect and that makes it wonderful.

one of my favorite songs from ethan's playlist is "i'm not perfect" from laurie berkner. i think it's a good thing to teach our kids..."i'm not perfect, no i'm not. i'm not perfect and i hope you like me that way."

on another note, today i'm grateful for barry. b, you are strong, powerful and wonderful and i'm so glad you're my partner in life. keep the faith.

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