Tuesday, June 1, 2010

saying a prayer for deb

today i witnessed humanity at its core. i watched as one of my best friends, deborah, went in for surgery to have her thyroid (and the cancer) removed. the good news is that deb is doing really well. the doctor believes she is cured and she is already talking. yes, she's in pain (which sucks!) but she is cancer free and that is a blessing.

ronnie and i walked into deb's pre-op room just as the hospital rabbi was saying a blessing to our dear friend. there stood dahlia (deb's mom) and larry. it was emotional and raw. i stood there watching my brave friend - mother of three, wife to one of my oldest friends, devoted friend - and all i could wonder is when did we get to be the age where we have to deal with these raw and all-too-real life events? i loathe this part of being an adult.

look, i don't know how it felt for deb to go through that today however i do know where she mustered up her strength. she got it from being a mom. she got it from closing her eyes, saying a prayer, and remembering that she is a strong and powerful woman.

i love you deb and i'm very thankful everything is ok.


  1. i am always amazed at your incredible capacity for love and sensitivity for other people. You are really special
