Monday, June 7, 2010

you've just got to endure

you know those crazy weekends where there’s so much going on you’re more exhausted after it rather than more rested? that was this past weekend. 99.9% of it was awesome. friday night barry celebrated philip (and julie’s) upcoming nuptuals with his best guys. i got to have a relxing evening at home with monkey. saturday morning i went to see deb (she's doing so much better!) while ethan took a nap. barry got to rest, too. then mom and marty came and got us and we endured ridiculous traffic to costa mesa to drop off ethan at the snyders. ethan LOVES being with his cousins and had a blast. he is truly so adaptable. love him. us adults drove to manhattan beach to celebrate val and chris' engagement! yay! so excited for them. after the party we drove back to costa mesa to pick up ethan and then endured a nighttime drive to san diego. we got to the nasty place where we stayed around 12:30am and got a couple of hours of sleep while we endured a really disguisting room. roaches in the bed. fecal matter on the wall. i mean really, really nasty. poor mom, marty and barry had to endure my crabiness and complaining about the situation but really it was so nasty. we then got up at 5:15am and got to see jamie and david at the starting line of their first 1/2 marathon. so exciting to see the anticipation and joy on these folks faces. really wonderful. we then endured the closed roads while we tried to find jamie and david [and jen, doug and emily] along the race path. we never found jen, doug or emilly but we did find jamie and david around mile 12. we watched as thousands of people endured the pain of stiff joints, warm sun and sheer exhaustion. we then walked the last 1.5 miles to the finish line. we then got to watch thousands of people make it across the finish line. such glory! truly remarkable. we then had lunch with jamie and david, stopped at the snyders to pick up our shoes that we forgot at their house and endured more traffic back home...the last 45 minutes of which were stinky thanks to ethan. exhausted but we endured it and i'm glad we did. here's what i don't have to run a 1/2 marathon to endure a whole lot of shit. smiles. happy monday.


  1. I am so bummed I missed you and prob would have seen you at the start if I knew you were there :( oh well, next time! You are a SUPERSTAR sis for going out to see Jamie and David b/c I know that it prob wasn't easy. love and hugs!

  2. It's the truth, the horrible truth. Endurance comes in all forms. Races are sometimes won before they are begun. Seeing Jamie and David before they took off was really amazing. Seeing them cross the finish line would have been wonderful as well.
    The best part of you, Amy, is that you can admit you get crabby, get over it and then charm the rest of the world with your
    laughter at yourself. Endurance comes in all forms. Listening, Laughing, Forgiving. You crack me up. You are my baby girl. Just as you endure Ethan's stinky diaper and vomiting on you, that's what parents do.
    Parenting is a test in endurance.
    Barry endured my talking, my cheering; we endure each other. That's real love. Not ignoring weaknesses in others, knowing someone and loving them in spite of their "stuff".
    I love you, even when you're stinky.

  3. Didi I tell you I Love you today?
