Wednesday, April 14, 2010

trusting my gut

so last night after ethan gagged up turkey meatball all over me and cried hysterically when i made him shower with me, i noticed that the rash on his belly had spread. barry never thinks we should worry about anything. me on the other hand...i take ethan to open office hours whenever something is wrong. i'm no doctor and would rather be safe than sorry. someone once said that our co-pays are for peace of mind. i agree. so, this morning i got ready, woke ethan (why does he always chose to sleep in on the days when we can't), gave him a bottle (yes, he's still on a bottle) and took him in. i love boulevard pediatrics and enjoyed the visit with dr. jj. turns out ethan just has a heat rash. no biggie. we also found out that the porker weighs 21.9 lbs. amazing how far he has come from 4.11 at birth. dr. jj did call in a prescription for me so i ran to ralph's pharmacy, picked up his some groceries, ran home, dropped off the baby with silvia, conducted two conference calls from the car and got in to work for an all day meeting...all by 10am. on my way to work i was struck with news that a friend is battling something significant. i was talking to our mutual friends about it this morning and the conversation turned to the BRCA1 gene and what we would do if we found out we (g-d forbid) had it. would we chose a masectomy. truthfully, i have no idea what i'd do. it got me thinking about the decisions we as moms have to make to protect ourselves and our family. little things like whether or not to ignore a simple rash, whether to listen to a doctor when they say that at 33 weeks pregnant it's just a cyst or whether to make a personal body altering decision that could save your life. all i know is that being a mom is full of decisions - sometimes i make the right one and sometimes i don't...but i will NEVER ignore my gut.

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