Sunday, April 18, 2010

norma desmond

barry and i went to a screening of sunset boulevard tonight for a friend's birthday. such fun. norma desmond is a classic character. so dramatic and over the top. there truly is a little (or a lot) of norma desmond in all of us. this weekend was a bit more norma desmond than others...dramatic, that is. barry and i had the pleasure of spending time with all the westlake guys (and pete and peach) on friday night. impromptu dinner parties are good for the soul. saturday after having a lazy day we headed to mom and marty's to take care of the new puppy (ashton kucher). he is a love. he was so low maintenance but the 24 hours we spent with him was not. our sweet delish little monkey puked, pooped and peed on us several times. it was dramatic, stinky and just all around nasty. however i wouldn't change the drama that comes along with parenthood (or marriage) for anything in the world. i'll cherish the norma desmond moments because that's what makes life worth living (and blogging).

on another note, happy 1.1 years today to ethan lawrence. mommy loves you.

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