Tuesday, April 27, 2010

thanks for lunch, dad

my dad came and took me to lunch today. lucky me! it seems that no matter my age i'm still in awe of my parents. don't get me wrong - i'm well aware of who they are - yet it's my knowledge of who my dad is and our years together that makes me so proud to be with him. everyone knows dave has a charismatic smile. everyone knows he has a dapper wardrobe. everyone knows he says the right things (most the time :). but here's what everyone might not know about dave meshulam. he has a huge heart. he is thoughtful. he is a fantastic dad and grandpa. he is wordly. smart. kind. i feel proud to know him and i feel proud that he's my dad. i also see so much of myself in him. physically we look alike. we have the same smile. hands. curls (or atleast we did). but i also notice that the way we take in information and interact with those around us is very similar. here's what i hope. i hope that ethan will accept us for who we are and love us despite our faults. most of all i hope that at 35 he will have an opportunity to have lunch with us and realize that our years together have made for a strong, impactful and fulfilling relationship...not just as child and parent but as friends, too. i love you dad.

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