i have witnessed so many wonderful people in my life that have been affected by the disease. it is my hope that by supporting the leukemia and lymphoma society (LLS) i can help us find a cure and eventually kick ALL cancers.
as it turns out my knee HATES running. i just don't know that my knee will be able to handle the pounding of the pavement. so, i think i'm going to walk the marathon in january in phoenix, arizona. as my coach bridget said, it doesn't really matter if you walk or run a marathon...you still completed a marathon!!!
i'm excited. in addition to eradicating cancer from the planet i'm also hoping to shed some pounds and take off that baby weight for good.
this is a picture of the first day of training with my little training partner.
thanks to everyone for supporting me. i'm really excited. i'll keep you updated on my progress. if you have not done so already, please visit my fundraising page and consider making a donation to LLS at http://pages.teamintraining.org/los/pfchangs11/ahytowitz