Thursday, December 2, 2010

ethan is walking (and so are amy squared!)

our monkey is finally walking! it's an amazing sight to see. i think physical therapy (a.k.a. the amazing claudia) worked wonders and helped ethan build strength and courage to take the steps on his own. it's taken quite a bit of courage for me to commit to this 1/2 marathon, too. it means a little less time with ethan. it means pushing my body. it means getting up early. i'm pleased to say that i'm not the only one with courage to make this commitment. my dear amy kaufman levy is walking it with me! it's so much fun to be training together and i can't wait for us to cross the finish line together and know that we had the courage to stick to this TOGETHER! i really appreciate everyone's support for my fundraising, too. thank you and happy holidays to you and your loved ones!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


there's been a lot of discussion in our house the past few months about walking. ethan is learning to walk (and doing much better thanks to the amazing claudia) and i'm training for a 1/2 marathon. originally i was going to run it. i tried. my knee tried. i decided on behalf of me and my knee that it was better to walk. now i'm having a ton of fun. team in training is amazing and i'm gaining strength and miles in advance of the 13.1 race in january. the most i've walked at once is 8 miles. my knee is still a bit sore by the end but i'm really loving it. i'm meeting amazing people and each week i hear another inspiring story about someone that has battled cancer. today at the training i had to sign my recommittment paperwork which means that i'm in it for the long haul and if i don't raise the minimum amount...well it's up to me to pay it. i really need your support. i need the encouragement and it's really helpful to know that my friends and family are supporting me and on this journey with me. i promise to keep you updated on my progress. in the meantime, please consider donating by visiting my fundraising page thank you to those that have already donated and thanks in advance to those that are considering it. all my love.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

just get up and walk already

we had ethan's 18 month appointment last week. he's great. he's almost 23 lbs and 31.5 inches. he's in the 25% of height, 15% of weight and 60% for his head. he's like our own bobble head doll :) dr. liddy said she's really pleased with how verbal he is and had only glowing things to say about his development...except in one area. ethan has to start physical therapy next week because he's still not walking. i'm really eager to hear what the PT has to say. maybe she'll just say "just get up and walk already" and he'll walk across the room. here's a little video of our little guy practicing.

Monday, August 9, 2010


i have witnessed so many wonderful people in my life that have been affected by the disease. it is my hope that by supporting the leukemia and lymphoma society (LLS) i can help us find a cure and eventually kick ALL cancers.

as it turns out my knee HATES running. i just don't know that my knee will be able to handle the pounding of the pavement. so, i think i'm going to walk the marathon in january in phoenix, arizona. as my coach bridget said, it doesn't really matter if you walk or run a still completed a marathon!!!

i'm excited. in addition to eradicating cancer from the planet i'm also hoping to shed some pounds and take off that baby weight for good.

this is a picture of the first day of training with my little training partner.

thanks to everyone for supporting me. i'm really excited. i'll keep you updated on my progress. if you have not done so already, please visit my fundraising page and consider making a donation to LLS at


Friday, July 16, 2010

i don't have the words

i just spent the last 48 hours in the car with carrie, sam, andrew, eliana and ethan. i have no words to explain just how special, loud and messy it was. i have another 36 hours with them. i'll try to figure out how to put it into words and i'll blog it. until then...a very tired mommy, auntie and sister signing off.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

it's you i like

here we are, all on this boat together, this floating planet...together. i feel blessed even in times of trouble. i wonder how human beings get that feeling. i guess it comes from a long line of people in our lives who have, in one way or another, "sung" that song:

it's you i like.
it's not the things you wear.
it's not the way you do your hair,
but it's you i like.
the way you are right now,
the way down deep inside,
not the things that hide you,
not your toys-they're just beside you.

but it's you i like,
every part of you-
your skin, your eyes, your feelings,
whether old or new.
i hope that you'll remember
even when you're feeling blue,
that it's you i like, it's you yourself.
it's you. it's you i like.
-"many ways to say i love you" by mister rogers

Sunday, June 20, 2010

could you be loved

barry is an amazing dad. loving and caring and a true protector. a wonderful playmate and father. ethan made him a video to tell him just how loved he is. enjoy it. oh and happy father's day to all the wonderful and caring dads out there. you are all loved.